Amir Eden

- Klochendler A, Caspi I, Corem N, Moran M, Friedlich O, Elgavish S, Nevo Y, Helman A, Glaser B, Eden A, Itzkovitz S and Dor Y (2016). "The genetic program of pancreatic beta-cell replication in vivo." Diabetes Epub.
- Darr J, Klochendler A, Isaac S, Geiger T, and Eden A (2015). "Phosphoproteomic analysis reveals Smarcb1 dependent EGFR signaling in Malignant Rhabdoid tumor cells." Mol Cancer 14: p. 167
- Bahat A, Perlberg S, Melamed-Book N, Isaac S, Eden A, Lauria I, Langer T, and Orly J (2015). "Transcriptional activation of LON Gene by a new form of mitochondrial stress: A role for the nuclear respiratory factor 2 in StAR overload response (SOR)." Mol Cell Endocrinol. 408: p. 62-72.
- Darr J, Klochendler A, Isaac S, and Eden A (2014). "Loss of IGFBP7 expression and persistent AKT activation contribute to SMARCB1/Snf5-mediated tumorigenesis." Oncogene 33(23): 3024-32.
- Shahar OD, Kalousi A, Eini L, Fisher B, Weiss A, Darr J, Mazina O, Bramson S, Kupiec M, Eden A, Meshorer E, Mazin AV, Brino L, Goldberg M, and Soutoglou E (2014). "A high-throughput chemical screen with FDA approved drugs reveals that the antihypertensive drug Spironolactone impairs cancer cell survival by inhibiting homology directed repair." Nucleic Acids Res,. 42(9):5689-701.
- Salpeter, S. J., A. Klochendler, N. Weinberg-Corem, S. Porat, Z. Granot, A. M. Shapiro, M. A. Magnuson, A. Eden, J. Grimsby, B. Glaser and Y. Dor (2012). "Glucose regulates cyclin D2 expression in quiescent and replicating pancreatic beta-cells through glycolysis and calcium channels." Endocrinology 152(7): 2589-98.
- Klochendler, A., N. Weinberg-Corem, M. Moran, A. Swisa, N. Pochet, V. Savova, J. Vikesa, Y. Van de Peer, M. Brandeis, A. Regev, F. C. Nielsen, Y. Dor and A. Eden (2012). "A Transgenic Mouse Marking Live Replicating Cells Reveals In Vivo Transcriptional Program of Proliferation." Dev Cell 23(4): 681-690.
- Featured in a commentary on the same issue.
- Featured in Nature “research highlights”
- Brevini, T. A., G. Pennarossa, S. Maffei, G. Tettamanti, A. Vanelli, S. Isaac, A. Eden, S. Ledda, M. de Eguileor and F. Gandolfi (2012). "Centrosome Amplification and Chromosomal Instability in Human and Animal Parthenogenetic Cell Lines." Stem Cell Rev.
- Friedman, N., M. Barzily-Rokni, S. Isaac and A. Eden (2011). "The histone H2A variant macroH2A1 does not localize to the centrosome " PLoS One 6(2): e17262.
- Barzily-Rokni, M., N. Friedman, S. Ron-Bigger, S. Isaac, D. Michlin and A. Eden (2011). "Synergism between DNA methylation and macroH2A1 occupancy in epigenetic silencing of the tumor suppressor gene p16(CDKN2A)." Nucleic Acids Res 39(4): 1326-35.
- Weber, B., S. Kimhi, G. Howard, A. Eden and F. Lyko (2010). "Demethylation of a LINE-1 antisense promoter in the cMet locus impairs Met signalling through induction of illegitimate transcription." Oncogene 29(43): 5775-84.
- Featured in a commentary on the same issue.
- Ron-Bigger, S., O. Bar-Nur, S. Isaac, M. Bocker, F. Lyko and A. Eden (2010). "Aberrant epigenetic silencing of tumor suppressor genes is reversed by direct reprogramming." Stem Cells 28(8): 1349-54.
- Pick, M., Y. Stelzer, O. Bar-Nur, Y. Mayshar, A. Eden and N. Benvenisty (2009). "Clone- and gene-specific aberrations of parental imprinting in human induced pluripotent stem cells." Stem Cells 27(11): 2686-90.
- Howard, G., R. Eiges, F. Gaudet, R. Jaenisch and A. Eden (2008). "Activation and transposition of endogenous retroviral elements in hypomethylation induced tumors in mice." Oncogene 27(3): 404-8.
- Milyavsky, M., I. Shats, A. Cholostoy, R. Brosh, Y. Buganim, L. Weisz, I. Kogan, M. Cohen, M. Shatz, S. Madar, E. Kalo, N. Goldfinger, J. Yuan, S. Ron, K. MacKenzie, A. Eden and V. Rotter (2007). "Inactivation of myocardin and p16 during malignant transformation contributes to a differentiation defect." Cancer Cell 11(2): 133-46.
- Eiges, R., A. Urbach, M. Malcov, T. Frumkin, T. Schwartz, A. Amit, Y. Yaron, A. Eden, O. Yanuka, N. Benvenisty and D. Ben-Yosef (2007). "Developmental study of fragile X syndrome using human embryonic stem cells derived from preimplantation genetically diagnosed embryos." Cell Stem Cell 1(5): 568-77.
- Yamada, Y., L. Jackson-Grusby, H. Linhart, A. Meissner, A. Eden, H. Lin and R. Jaenisch (2005). "Opposing effects of DNA hypomethylation on intestinal and liver carcinogenesis." Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 102(38): 13580-5.
- Gaudet, F., J. G. Hodgson, A. Eden, L. Jackson-Grusby, J. Dausman, J. W. Gray, H. Leonhardt and R. Jaenisch (2003). "Induction of tumors in mice by genomic hypomethylation." Science 300(5618): 489-92.
- Eden, A., F. Gaudet, A. Waghmare and R. Jaenisch (2003). "Chromosomal instability and tumors promoted by DNA hypomethylation." Science 300(5618): 455.
- Schuldiner, M., R. Eiges, A. Eden, O. Yanuka, J. Itskovitz-Eldor, R. S. Goldstein and N. Benvenisty (2001). "Induced neuronal differentiation of human embryonic stem cells." Brain Res 913(2): 201-5.
- Eden, A., L. Van Nedervelde, M. Drukker, N. Benvenisty and A. Debourg (2001). "Involvement of branched-chain amino acid aminotransferases in the production of fusel alcohols during fermentation in yeast." Appl Microbiol Biotechnol 55(3): 296-300.
- Rasmussen, T. P., M. A. Mastrangelo, A. Eden, J. R. Pehrson and R. Jaenisch (2000). "Dynamic relocalization of histone MacroH2A1 from centrosomes to inactive X chromosomes during X inactivation." J Cell Biol 150(5): 1189-98.
- Itskovitz-Eldor, J., M. Schuldiner, D. Karsenti, A. Eden, O. Yanuka, M. Amit, H. Soreq and N. Benvenisty (2000). "Differentiation of human embryonic stem cells into embryoid bodies compromising the three embryonic germ layers." Mol Med 6(2): 88-95.
- Eden, A. and N. Benvenisty (1999). "Involvement of branched-chain amino acid aminotransferase (Bcat1/Eca39) in apoptosis." FEBS Lett 457(2): 255-61.
- Ben-Yosef, T., A. Eden and N. Benvenisty (1998). "Characterization of murine BCAT genes: Bcat1, a c-Myc target, and its homolog, Bcat2." Mamm Genome 9(7): 595-7.
- Eden, A. and N. Benvenisty (1998). "Characterization of a branched-chain amino-acid aminotransferase from Schizosaccharomyces pombe." Yeast 14(2): 189-94.
- Eden, A., G. Simchen and N. Benvenisty (1996). "Two yeast homologs of ECA39, a target for c-Myc regulation, code for cytosolic and mitochondrial branched-chain amino acid aminotransferases." J Biol Chem 271(34): 20242-5.
- Schuldiner, O., A. Eden, T. Ben-Yosef, O. Yanuka, G. Simchen and N. Benvenisty (1996). "ECA39, a conserved gene regulated by c-Myc in mice, is involved in G1/S cell cycle regulation in yeast." Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 93(14): 7143-8.
- Nechushtai, R., Eden, A., Cohen, Y. and Klein, J. (1996). Introduction to Photosystem I: reaction center function, composition and structure. In: Advances in photosynthesis, Oxygenic photosynthesis: the light reactions. Ort, D.R., Yocum, C.F. (Eds). Kluwer academic publishers. Boston. p:289-311.
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